Both boys started preschool this past week. They have been precious about going to school.
Troy needs a little extra structure and interaction with some kids his age. Justin needs to be around peers for his speech development. So we kept Troy at our church preschool and added Justin in with him.
On the first day, Justin was so excited to go along with Troy. As we were walking him to the car, he was pumping his fists while yelling “yay! yay!”. His preschool has carline drop off which makes it SO easy to drop them off. For their first day, Brian and I both went to drop him off. As he was being walked away from our car, he was looking back at me as if to say, “uh, what are you doing to me and with whom am I leaving?” He’s done great this week (he only goes part of the week) and has been pretty worn out at naptime.
Troy, on the other hand, is in the “three” year old class although he turns four about a month after he starts school. Either way, he already has some buddies in his class and will probably do a great job at getting them in trouble with him. Typical boy I suppose. He LOVES preschool so this is a good thing for him. They are practicing the red/yellow/green light system. Basically each kid starts on the green light. If they get in trouble, they are moved to the yellow light and two (sometimes more) warnings will then put them on the red light. The kids are somewhat bribed by candy or goodies as a reward to staying on the green light.
So each day this week his teachers said he had “a great day” and had been a good boy. Wednesday, I asked him how his day had been and he told me he had a bad day. Specifically, he said he got in trouble for throwing bark at other kids. He raised his hand to a certain level above his head and said that they are big kids and were “this” tall. I asked him about this at least 4-5 times. Each time he said he was put on the red light. Then, he said his friend Walker and Brady were put on the yellow light for throwing bark at other kids. This was confusing because his teachers had specifically said he had been so good. Come to find out, after getting the details from his teachers, he never got in trouble. What gives? Why make up the story?
So we did find out that he got put in time out one day this week for jumping on a kid after his toy was taken away. Nice. Nice. So I realize I need to read books on raising boys. Just need to carve out the time and do it.
I made these little matching outfits with fabric from Dr. Seuss’ Oh The Places You Will Go! It’s so adorable! Anyway, as I was taking a picture of Try, I realized that I forgot to hem one leg of his pants. Luckily it was just that one side so it didn’t take long to fix it.