Knows his alphabet
Knows most sounds to letters
Can count to 20
Knows most numbers (0-10)
Can recite The Lord’s Prayer on his own
Favorite Letter: X
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Characters/Things: Peter Pan, Thomas the Choo-Choo, Cars, Garbage trucks and any other trucks, Pirates, Play-doh
Favorite Song: Never Smile at a Crocodile
Do you see that thing on his left hip? That would be a Melissa and Doug wooden knife. It has become his “sword” which he wears like Peter Pan. He pulls his underwear out so he can stick the sword in his pants. At least he’s wearing pants. He’d rather run around with just underwear on.
Troy is still an intense, excitable, somewhat obsessive, loving and sweet child. These characteristics seem somewhat contradictory but they are what he is! Love him to the moon and back!
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